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After taking photos of their inspired parasites they created a life cycle for them.

Fly bite.


Fly bites are microscopic flies that travel in groups of 12-20. In each group there must be a leader. The leader is always the biggest because the bigger the fly is the more poison it can hold.the leader bites the others to give them poison. During the day the fly bites travel looking for spots where big animals like snakes live in trees. Once they found a spot they hide in places like under milkweed. Once the animal has fallen asleep they are sent 2 at once to bite down on the prey's back leg or, tail. When every fly is done the leader goes up and bites its head. if the animal is  still asleep they let it die. If the prey is awake but is about to die they eat it alive! Fly bites have a great advantage. There advantage is they are microscopic so their prey can't see them. A fly bite is a fly that is really small and quiet. Each fly has half of their face silver and the other half the color of their blood. If the leader dies than the second biggest becomes the leader.

- Alia Adra


Alecto Properatus


Today I am going to tell you about the parasite I made up, Alecto

Properatus and its cycle of life. Alecto Properatus is a very interesting parasite because it injects butterflies and protects them. I am going to start off by telling you about the characteristics of Alecto Properatus, it is like a very small worm, only zero point seven centimeters long, it is a light shade of gray and it's got two-hundred teeth. It has an egg injector at the end of its body, three red eyes and an incredible sense of smell. I am going to start of from the middle of one cycle. The parasite is following a butterfly until it lays its eggs. Once the butterfly lays its eggs the parasite takes a bite out of the back of the butterfly's head and kills it. Then it waits for days until its eggs hatch and when they do, the parasite uses its egg injector to inject eggs into the newly hatched larvae and then leaves to live the rest of his life alone in the ground, hunting ants and other small bugs. When the eggs hatch and the larvae of the butterfly are living their last days as larvae, the newly hatched Alecto Properatus crawl their way through the butterfly larvae skin and somehow the butterfly larvae survive. When the butterfly larvae spin their cocoons, the Alecto Properatus act as bodyguards to the cocoons, protecting them from any predator that is hungry by spraying poison from their  injectors all over the cocoons of the butterfly larvae s that any predator that tried to eat it would get poisoned and spit it back out. The Alecto Properatus now watch over the cocoons until the butterflies come out, then they start following the butterflies around on their backs until they land and lay their eggs. Thank you for listening to me talk about the parasite I made up, Alecto Properatus, I hope you enjoyed my imagination!

-Pablo Fernandez Moix

The generation wasp


This fearless wasp will deliver a good bite to the back of the head to its enemy  ( the absorption wasp) the enemy’s body starts to change. The enemy’s body starts feeling mixed temperature. Then the enemy is no longer paying attention. Then the generation wasp makes its move. It injects its stinger into the enemy with poison. The poison disintegrates the enemy’s insides. Then it inserts its stinger in the hole it punched in the enemy. Her baby’s are on her stinger so she detaches her stinger in the enemy. She then dies but puts a shield on herself that prevents  her from rotting. A few weeks later when the larvae are ready to hatch they will eat their way out of the enemy. After they completely finish eating the enemy they still have a hole nother meal to eat. They will eat there dead mom. Afterwards they will be fully grown. And the life cycle goes on and on. And that's why it's called the generation wasp. See you next time :)


The absorption wasp

This fearless wasp will deliver a good bite to the back of the head to its enemy ( the generation wasp) if the enemy uses poison it will find were it uses its poison and locks its jaws on that area. It then drains all of the enemy’s poison and mixes it making it even more dangerous. + if its enemy the generation wasp tries to lay its babies inside the absorption wasp the babies will automatically die because of the poison.

- Tj

The unicorn wasp


life cycle of the unicorn wasp, is very long for most parasites, it can live up to 2 months,it's also microscopic  and the cool thing is that they are only female so the mother climbs onto the back of a turtle stings it and its brain turns into jello than the wasp lays its eggs on the back of the turtle's head when she stings it again the turtle climbs into  the water and carries the baby unicorn wasps to some mosquito larva each egg clings on to the mosquito larvas and when the mosquitoes hatch they grab onto the mosquitos and then they fly to a bee hive and the bees treat them like their own then they fly out and it happens over and over and over again.

-Libsy Hogan



This is Lavatorus it is called that because it spends most of its life underground. When the mother lavatorus come down they bring a group of ants to guard the baby’s but after the babies

Grow up they eat the ants.The lavaturos come every summer. And the life cycle keeps on going. Babyies keep being born above the lava every summer they come out. One of ithis lavatorios can live up to 550 years. People can't see it that’s how small they are.

- Clea Mitchel


              This is my parasite the killer spee. The killer spee is made up by me, but it is very strong it has 2 blood suckers and all the blood it sucks goes into it's facial circles  and if it has all blood circles full, it can survive up to 5 years if not only 3 years.  It lays its eggs under water and children spee only survive 15 minutes under water but adult spee survive 30 minutes under water. It also has 2 mouths 1 for paralyzing another to eat. It has 4 legs and 10 blood circles,  4 eyes, 2 wing, 1 egg hole that ejects more than 50 eggs in one minute, 6 ears and is less than 7in width and 3in long. The killer spee atacks animals only because human DNA can kill them. When it's time for it to die it goes under water and dies. Every child of the speed grows up stronger than the mother and that's  killer  spee cycle.

-Kamari Hunter Mayers

The soil digger

The soil digger digs into the soil to gain energy.

First the soil digger digs in soil to become a grownup. After it less eggs, the eggs become an insect. The soil digger puts her egg around larva so it heats up.   The insect goes into a beehive and prevent Favorite destructor from killing the bees. Then it goes back into the soil. That gives the insect energy to go back into the soil to live it's life.

-Maya Seek 

El arañavispa


Este paracito es una araña que esta infectado por un avispa y cuando la araña es infectada, dos patas le crecen y a las avispas les sale un pico con telarañas y antenas le crece por tres días. El arañavispa cuida los huevos, de las avispas y cuando nacen los larvas aranavispa hace telarañas grandes para que sea seguro al atacar a los depredadores años después. Lass larvas adultos vuelan para ayudar a sus padres en cosas importantes. Cuando la araña, está infectada por una avispa tienen diez meses y medio de vida. A veces si una avispa le infecta a un araña en el invierno la araña tiene, menos vida que en el verano y ellos viven en las montañas  de los desiertos en el sur y les gusta comer moscas,mariposas,mariquitas y peces.

- Erick Ferman-Villator0

The Night Wasp 


In the night, the night wasp fly’s through the forest. It's red in some parts because those parts are poison. Using its light and her eyes, it fly’s without making a sound. As night wasps fly’s through the night, they are looking for a spider. It will make the spider spins a small web so creatures don’t come out and eat their larvae. Once the spider spins the web, the wasp kills the spider and hangs it up on the web, so her larvae can eat it. It will take a week so the larvae can hatch and spin her cocoon.

Gabriella Chung

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